Hogwarts. Bedtime stories
Good and evil do not exist. There is only power, there is only power, and there are those who are too weak to seek it.
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[align=center][url=http://bedtimestories.hutt.ru/][img]http://s9.uploads.ru/PIg4m.png[/img][/url][/align] [size=13][b][align=center][url=http://bedtimestories.hutt.ru/]Hogwarts. Bedtime stories[/url][/align][/b][/size] [size=10][align=center]Good and evil do not exist. There is only power, there is only power, and there are those who are too weak to seek it. ©[/align][/size]
for borda u co
[url=http://bedtimestories.hutt.ru/][img]http://s9.uploads.ru/PIg4m.png[/img][/url] [big][url=http://bedtimestories.hutt.ru/]HOGWARTS: ANIMUS LEVIS[/url][/big] [small]Good and evil do not exist. There is only power, there is only power, and there are those who are too weak to seek it. ©[/small]
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Отредактировано India F. Brecht (2014-01-22 20:26:54)